Mastering Microservices with Golang: Building Robust Distributed Systems
২৫ মার্চ
রাত ১০:১৫টা
Mastering Golang: From Beginner to Advanced
২০ টি লাইভ ক্লাস
২৫ দিন বাকি
*কোর্স শুরু হবে ১৯ এপ্রিল থেকে *
কোর্স কারিকুলাম
Introduction to Go Language

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Overview of Go
History and evolution of Go | Advantages and use cases | Setting up the Go development environment
Live Class 2: Basic Syntax and Operations
Variables, constants, and data types | Operators and expressions | Input and output operations
Project: Develop a simple "Hello, World!" application that takes user input and displays personalized messages.
Composite Data Types

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Arrays and Slices
Declaration and initialization | Manipulating array and slice elements | Common operations and functions
Live Class 2: Maps and Structs
Creating and using maps | Defining structs | Nested structs and field tags
Project: Build a contact management system that stores and retrieves user information using structs and maps.
Concurrency in Go

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Goroutines
Introduction to concurrency | Creating and managing goroutines | Synchronization issues
Live Class 2: Channels
Channel basics | Buffered vs. unbuffered channels | Select statements
Project: Implement a concurrent downloader that fetches data from multiple URLs simultaneously and processes the data efficiently.
Building Web Servers

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Introduction to Web Servers
Understanding HTTP protocols | Setting up a basic web server in Go | Routing and handling requests
Live Class 2: Serving Static and Dynamic Content
Template rendering | Serving HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files | Handling form submissions
Project: Create a personal blog platform where users can submit posts, and the server renders them dynamically.
Building Microservices with Go

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: REST API Development
Designing RESTful APIs | Implementing API authentication (JWT) | Handling requests and responses
Live Class 2: gRPC and Inter-Service Communication
Introduction to gRPC | Implementing gRPC in Go | Comparing gRPC vs. REST
Project: Develop a microservice-based e-commerce API with authentication and product management.
Control Structures and Functions

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Conditional Statements and Loops
If-else statements | Switch-case constructs | For loops and iterations
Live Class 2: Functions and Error Handling
Defining and invoking functions | Function parameters and return values | Error handling mechanisms
Project: Create a calculator application that performs basic arithmetic operations and handles invalid inputs gracefully.
Methods and Interfaces

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Methods in Go
Defining methods for structs | Pointer vs. value receivers | Method chaining
Live Class 2: Understanding Interfaces
Defining and implementing interfaces | Type assertion and type switches | Practical use cases of interfaces
Project: Design a payment processing system with multiple payment methods, demonstrating the use of interfaces for flexibility.
Error Handling and Testing

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Advanced Error Handling
Custom error types | Error wrapping and unwrapping | Best practices in error management
Live Class 2: Testing in Go
Writing test cases | Benchmarking functions | Using the testing package
Project: Develop a module with comprehensive unit tests, including handling edge cases and ensuring code reliability.
Working with Databases

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Database Integration
Connecting to SQL databases | Performing CRUD operations | Using the database/sql package
Live Class 2: ORMs and Data Migration
Introduction to Object-Relational Mappers | Using GORM for database operations | Managing database migrations
Project: Develop a task management application with persistent storage, allowing users to manage tasks efficiently.
Deploying Go Applications

2 live class

1 Quiz
Live Class 1: Dockerizing Go Applications
Creating Dockerfiles for Go applications | Running Go applications in containers | Multi-stage builds for optimization
Live Class 2: Kubernetes and CI/CD Pipelines
Introduction to Kubernetes | Deploying Go applications to Kubernetes | Setting up CI/CD with GitHub Actions
Project: Deploy a production-ready Go web application with Docker, Kubernetes, and GitHub Actions.
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