ফ্রী মাস্টারক্লাস

LeetCode & HackerRank: DSA Challenges with JavaScript

২২ ফেব্রুয়ারি

রাত ৯:০০টা

লাইভ কোর্স

Data Structure & Algorithm With JavaScript

দিন বাকি

জব প্লেসমেন্ট সাপোর্ট

রেকর্ডিং এ লাইফটাইম এক্সেস

*কোর্স শুরু হবে ২৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি থেকে *

কোর্স কারিকুলাম


JavaScript Fundamentals Review

2 live class

1 Quiz

2 Assignment

Live Class 1: Keywords: JavaScript Syntax | Data Types (string, number, boolean) | Variables (var, let, const) | Operators (arithmetic, logical, comparison)

Assignment 1: Write a script that performs basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, etc.) and logs results dynamically based on user inputs.

Live Class 2: Keywords: Functions (Declaration, Expressions, Arrow Functions) | Scope (Global, Local, Block) | Closures | Hoisting

Assignment 2: Create a function that returns a nested function and demonstrate closure behavior.


Arrays and Linked Lists

2 live class

1 Quiz

Live Class 1:
Keywords: JavaScript Arrays | Array Methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, splice) | Iterating with Loops | Multidimensional Arrays

Project: Create a program that implements a to-do list with options to add, delete, and mark tasks as done.

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Linked Lists (Singly and Doubly) | Node Structure | Traversing Linked Lists | Insertion and Deletion in Linked Lists


Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees (BST)

2 live class

1 Quiz

1 Assignment

Live Class 1:
Keywords: Binary Tree Structure | Preorder, Inorder, Postorder Traversals | Implementation in JavaScript

Assignment: Write a function to calculate the height of a binary tree.

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Binary Search Tree Operations (Insert, Search, Delete) | Balancing Binary Trees


Graph Theory Basics

2 live class

1 Quiz

Live Class 1:
Keywords: Graph Representations (Adjacency List, Matrix) | Directed vs Undirected Graphs | Graph Traversal Basics

Project: Implement graph traversal (DFS and BFS) and visualize paths using a simple JavaScript app.

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Depth-First Search (DFS) | Breadth-First Search (BFS)


Advanced Sorting and Searching

2 live class

1 Quiz

Live Class 1:
Keywords: Radix Sort | Bucket Sort | Applications of Advanced Sorting Algorithms

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Binary Search Algorithm | Iterative vs Recursive Approaches | Search Optimization


Big O Notation and Time Complexity

2 live class

1 Quiz

2 Assignment

Live Class 1:
Keywords: Introduction to Big O | Constant Time (O(1)) | Linear Time (O(n)) | Quadratic Time (O(n²)) | Examples of Complexity

Assignment 1: Analyze the time complexity of simple algorithms like summing elements in an array.

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Space Complexity | Trade-offs in Performance | Practical Analysis (Sorting Algorithms, Search Algorithms)

Assignment 2: Write a function to determine the maximum number in an array and analyze its time and space complexity.


Stacks and Queues

2 live class

1 Quiz

1 Assignment

Live Class 1:
Keywords: Stack Data Structure | Push and Pop Operations | Application of Stacks (Undo Operations, Expression Evaluation)

Assignment: Implement a stack in JavaScript and use it to reverse a string.

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Queue Data Structure | Enqueue and Dequeue | Circular Queue | Applications (Task Scheduling, Breadth-First Search)


Advanced Trees

2 live class

1 Quiz

1 Assignment

Live Class 1:
Keywords: AVL Trees (Rotations, Height Balancing) | Red-Black Trees Overview | Heaps (Max-Heap, Min-Heap)

Assignment: Implement a Min-Heap and demonstrate its usage in a priority queue.

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Priority Queues | Heap Sort Algorithm


Fundamental Sorting Algorithms

2 live class

1 Quiz

1 Assignment

Live Class 1:
Keywords: Bubble Sort | Selection Sort | Insertion Sort | Time Complexity of Basic Sorts

Assignment: Compare the performance of Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort on different array sizes.

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Merge Sort | Quick Sort | Divide-and-Conquer Strategy



Dynamic Programming

2 live class

1 Quiz

1 Assignment

Live Class 1:
Keywords: Introduction to DP | Memoization vs Tabulation | Fibonacci Sequence with DP

Assignment: Solve the "Climbing Stairs" problem using dynamic programming.

Live Class 2:
Keywords: Knapsack Problem | Subset Sum Problem

প্রতিটি টপিক কিভাবে শিখবেন বিস্তারিত জানতে মাস্টারক্লাস বুক করুন

কোর্স করেই পেতে পারেন জব অফার

জব প্লেসমেন্ট টিম কিভাবে কাজ করে বিস্তারিত জানতে মাস্টারক্লাসে জয়েন করুন

ফ্রিতে ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলিং পেতে আপনার নাম্বার দিন

সিম্পলি আপনার ফোন নাম্বার দিন, আমরা আপনাকে দ্রুতই কল করবো

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