ফ্রী মাস্টারক্লাস

Unlock the Secrets of Cracking Coding Interviews

২৩ ডিসেম্বর

রাত ৯:০০টা

লাইভ কোর্স

Coding Interview Preparation (Local+Remote Job)

৫৬ টি লাইভ ক্লাস

২৪ দিন বাকি

জব প্লেসমেন্ট সাপোর্ট

রেকর্ডিং এ লাইফটাইম এক্সেস

*কোর্স শুরু হবে ১৪ জানুয়ারি থেকে *

কোর্স কারিকুলাম

Initial Screening (Module 1-3)

ক্লাস নিবেনঃ

Tamim Shahriar Subeen

Partharaj Deb


ক্যারিয়ার বুস্টিং: সিভি/রেজ্যুমে মেকিং, কভার লেটার রাইটিং

2 live class

1 Quiz

1 Assignment

1 Test

Crafting an Effective CV/Resume: Tips and Strategies | Highlighting Key Skills and Accomplishments | Importance of a Professional Portfolio | Showcasing Projects and Work Samples | Creating an Online Portfolio


কোডিং ইন্টারভিউয়ের সাথে পরিচিতি

2 live class

1 Quiz

কোডিং ইন্টারভিউ পরিচিতি | ইন্টারভিউ ফরম্যাট | কমন ইন্টারভিউ কোয়েশ্চেন | প্রব্লেম সলভিং স্ট্র্যাটিজিস | কোডিং চ্যালেঞ্জ | টাইম ম্যানেজমেন্ট | বেস্ট প্র্যাকটিস 


ইন্টারভিউ ক্র্যাকিং সফট স্কিলস

2 live class

1 Quiz

1 Assignment

1 Test

কমিউনিকেশন স্কিল | টাইম ম্যানেজমেন্ট | প্রব্লেম সলভিং টেকনিক | নেগোশিয়েট স্কিলস | প্রেজেন্টেশন স্কিলস | প্রফেশনাল ব্যবহার 

Written Task/Coding Test (Module 4-18)

ক্লাস নিবেনঃ

Tamim Shahriar Subeen

Partharaj Deb


Problem Solving on Array

2 live class

1 Quiz

Array Basics and Common Operations | Two-Pointer Techniques | Sliding Window Approach | Sorting and Searching in Arrays | Array Partitioning | Handling Duplicates in Arrays | Dynamic Array Problems | Advanced Array Manipulation


Problem solving on Recursion

2 live class

1 Quiz

Introduction to Recursion | Base Case and Recursive Case | Recursive Problem Solving Strategies | Factorial Calculation | Fibonacci Sequence | Tower of Hanoi | Permutations and Combinations | Depth-First Search (DFS) | Backtracking Algorithms | Recursive Tree Traversal | Divide and Conquer Techniques


Problem solving on Stack and Queue

2 live class

1 Quiz

Stack Operations and Applications | Implementing a Stack | Stack-Based Algorithms | Queue Operations and Applications | Implementing a Queue | Queue-Based Algorithms | Circular Queue | Priority Queue | Deque (Double-Ended Queue) | Applications of Stack in Parsing | Applications of Queue in Scheduling | Stack and Queue Problems in Coding Interviews



Problem solving on Searching

2 live class

1 Quiz

Linear Search | Binary Search | Interpolation Search | Exponential Search | Jump Search | Ternary Search | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Search in 2D Matrix | Search in Bitonic Array | Search with Hashing



Problem solving on Greedy algorithms

2 live class

1 Quiz

Introduction to Greedy Algorithms | Optimal Substructure | Greedy Choice Property | Activity Selection Problem | Fractional Knapsack Problem | Huffman Coding | Job Sequencing Problem | Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) - Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithms | Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm | Coin Change Problem (Greedy Approach) | Covering Intervals | Optimal Merge Pattern



Problem solving on Graph Part 1

2 live class

1 Quiz

Graph Representation | Graph Traversal Algorithms | Shortest Path Algorithms | Minimum Spanning Tree | Topological Sorting | Strongly Connected Components | Graph Coloring | Network Flow Algorithms | Bipartite Graphs | Cycle Detection in Graphs



Dynamic Programming Part 1

2 live class

1 Quiz

Introduction to Dynamic Programming | Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Approaches | Memoization | Tabulation | Optimal Substructure | Overlapping Subproblems | Common Dynamic Programming Patterns | Knapsack Problem | Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) | Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)



Heap, BST, Trie

2 live class

1 Quiz

Introduction to Heap | Types of Heaps (Min-Heap, Max-Heap) | Heap Operations (Insert, Extract, Peek) | Heap Applications (Priority Queues, Heap Sort) | Introduction to Binary Search Tree (BST) | BST Operations (Insertion, Deletion, Search) | Tree Traversal (In-order, Pre-order, Post-order) | Balanced BSTs (AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree) | Introduction to Trie | Trie Operations (Insert, Search, Delete) | Trie Applications (Autocomplete, Spell Checking)


Problem solving on String

2 live class

1 Quiz

String Manipulation | String Matching Algorithms | Palindrome Detection | Anagram Detection | Substring Search | Longest Common Substring | Longest Common Prefix | Regular Expressions | String Compression | String Rotation | Character Frequency Counting | String Reversal | Pattern Matching | Edit Distance Calculation


Problem solving on Linked List

2 live class

1 Quiz

Introduction to Linked Lists | Singly Linked List Operations | Doubly Linked List Operations | Circular Linked List | Reverse a Linked List | Detecting and Removing Loops in Linked List | Merging Two Linked Lists | Finding Middle Element of Linked List | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Clone a Linked List with Random Pointers | Sorting a Linked List | Implementing Stack and Queue using Linked List | Rotate a Linked List | Add Two Numbers Represented by Linked Lists


Problem solving on Sorting

2 live class

1 Quiz

Bubble Sort | Selection Sort | Insertion Sort | Merge Sort | Quick Sort | Heap Sort | Counting Sort | Radix Sort | Bucket Sort | Shell Sort



Problem solving on Tree

2 live class

1 Quiz

Binary Tree Traversals | Binary Search Tree (BST) Operations | Tree Construction from Traversals | Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) | Tree Diameter | Tree Balancing Techniques | Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) | Maximum Path Sum | Tree Serialization and Deserialization | Trie Data Structure | Balanced Trees (e.g., AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree)



Problem solving on Backtracking

2 live class

1 Quiz

Introduction to Backtracking | Basic Concepts of Backtracking | N-Queens Problem | Sudoku Solver | Subset Sum Problem | Permutations and Combinations | Rat in a Maze | Word Search Problem | Hamiltonian Path and Cycle | Graph Coloring Problem



Problem solving on Graph Part 2

2 live class

1 Quiz

Eulerian Paths and Circuits | Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles | Dynamic Programming on Graphs | Karger's Algorithm for Min-Cut | Tarjan's Algorithm | Articulation Points and Bridges | Graph Isomorphism | Approximation Algorithms for Graph Problems | Planar Graphs | Randomized Graph Algorithms



Dynamic Programming Part 2

2 live class

1 Quiz

Matrix Chain Multiplication | Coin Change Problem | Edit Distance | Rod Cutting Problem | Subset Sum Problem | Maximum Subarray Sum (Kadane's Algorithm) | All-Pairs Shortest Path (Floyd-Warshall Algorithm) | 0/1 Knapsack Problem | Partition Problem | Palindromic Substrings/Palindromic Subsequences

প্রতিটি টপিক কিভাবে শিখবেন বিস্তারিত জানতে মাস্টারক্লাস বুক করুন

আমাদের লার্নারদের কাছে শুনুন

কোর্স করেই পেতে পারেন জব অফার

জব প্লেসমেন্ট টিম কিভাবে কাজ করে বিস্তারিত জানতে মাস্টারক্লাসে জয়েন করুন

ফ্রিতে ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলিং পেতে আপনার নাম্বার দিন

সিম্পলি আপনার ফোন নাম্বার দিন, আমরা আপনাকে দ্রুতই কল করবো

অথবা কল করুন - +8801940444476