
Privacy Policy

We, Ostad Limited, registered under the Bangladesh Companies Act (Act XVIII) of 1994 (hereafter referred to as "Company"), with the incorporation number C-165312/2020, are dedicated to protecting your privacy with regard to the protection of your personal information. To make sure we can use your services, we might get your information and occasionally share it. This notice explains our information policies and the choices you have regarding the collection and use of your information in an effort to further protect your privacy. To make sure that everyone using the website, https://ostad.app/ (hence "the website") and the "Ostad application" (subsequently "the Application") is aware of the privacy policy that regulates their use, by entering onto the website or application, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy. You cannot use the Website or App unless you accept our Privacy Policy, which governs the gathering and use of your personal information. If you have any concerns or questions regarding this privacy statement, you may email our Customer Support at [email protected].

  2. “We”, “Our”, and “Us” - Refer to the creators of this privacy policy. 
    “You”, “Your”, “Yourself” and “User” -  refers to natural and legal individuals who use the Website. 
    “Website” -  Refers to the official website of Ostad created by Ostad Limited
    “App” -  Refers to the Ostad app created by Ostad Limited
    “Personal Information” -  Refers to any personally identifiable information that We may collect from You.  
    “Third Parties” -  Refers to any website, company, or individual apart from the user and the creator of the Website.

  2. We take the duty to protect your online privacy seriously. We also recognize the need to protect and handle any personally identifiable information you give with us ("personal information"). Your name, address, phone number, email address, and other contact information are among the details we deem to be personal about you. To purchase a product from our website or application, you must submit the following information, but it is not limited to a phone number, bank account information, date of birth, class, school, courses, or curriculum. This Privacy Policy also applies to information gathered on users who are not listed as members, such as browsing habits, pages visited, etc. Additionally, the Website and App ask for your permission to link your Ostad Account to your Social Account, and if you provide such permission, the data will be taken directly from your social media account.

  1. User-Provided Information 
  2. When you download and register for the application, website, services, or products, the application, website, services, or products get the information you give. When you sign up with us, you typically give us the following information: (a) your name, age, email address, mailing address, phone number, password, and the educational preferences of your ward; (b) transaction-related information from when you make purchases, respond to offers, or download or use applications from us; (c) information from when you get in touch with us for support; and (d) information from when you enter data into our system while using the Application/Services/Products, like when asking questions. This data will be considered "Personal Information." We may occasionally use the Information to provide you with the service, critical information, necessary notifications, and marketing incentives. If further information that can be used to identify you personally is required, we will ask you (personal information). If the credentials match your login/access credentials, we won't make a distinction between users of the device who access the request, site, services, or products. To utilize the application, website, services, or products to their maximum potential and to ensure that your information is accurately collected by the application, website, services, or goods, you must have logged in using your own credentials.

  1. Automatically Collected Information
  2. Additionally, the app, products, and devices may automatically collect some data, such as, but not limited to, the types of mobile devices you use, your device's unique device ID, IP address, mobile operating system, mobile browser type, and use data for the application, services, and goods. As is the case with the majority of mobile applications, we also gather additional pertinent data in accordance with your permissions. We work with a third-party credit card processing and payment gateway firm to accept payments for goods and services. These businesses do not keep, disclose, store, or use personal information for any other reason. 

  2. Before or at the time that we collect personal information, we shall decide why we are gathering the data. We only gather and use personal data if it is necessary for the reasons we have described and for other compatible ones unless we have the authorized personnel's permission or it is required by law. We shall only keep personal data for these uses for as long as necessary. We gather personal information in an appropriate and lawful manner with the knowledge or consent of the relevant personnel. Personal information must be relevant to the purposes for which it is used and accurate, full, and up-to-date to the degree required for those purposes.

  2. Before or at the time that we collect personal information, we shall decide why we are gathering the data. We only gather and use personal data if it is necessary for the reasons we have described and for other compatible ones, unless we have the authorized personnel's permission or it is required by law. We shall only keep personal data for these uses for as long as is necessary. We gather personal information in an appropriate and lawful manner with the knowledge or consent of the relevant personnel. Personal information must be relevant to the purposes for which it is used and accurate, full, and up-to-date to the degree required for those purposes. You can choose not to get DoubleClick cookies from Google and its partners by going to "Add Settings." Users can also be told to decline the usage of cookies for interstitial advertising by third-party providers by visiting aboutads.info. By installing the Google Analytics opt-out plugin, which is available here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/, you can choose not to use Google Analytics.

  2. On this website, there may be connections to the material, resources, or other websites. We have no control over any website or resources that are provided by organizations or people besides ourselves. You acknowledge and accept that we are not responsible for the content of any external websites, resources, or other materials found there or on them and that we have no endorsement rights over them. You understand and agree that we are not liable for any harm or loss resulting from the use of any such websites or resources, or from their availability. The storage and preservation of your personal data may be impacted by the privacy policies of those third-party services and website providers. When visiting a third-party website, we advise you to study the privacy statement to see how the website will secure your personal data. We make use of outside ad networks when you visit our website.

  2. Your contact information will be used to get in touch with you as needed. Using your IP address, we manage our website and applications and identify issues with our servers. IP addresses can also be used to locate and compile extensive demographic data. Finally, we can defend you from partnerships and fraud using your IP address. We will increase security as new technology becomes available. If we recoup or join forces with another company, you will send us information about yourself. In this situation, you will be informed by email or by posting clear warnings on the website prior to the transfer of the information and receipt of various privacy rules. If we believe it is essential to comply with the law, prevent impending physical harm or financial loss, or comply with court orders or similar legal processes, we may disclose your personal information to a third party. Alternately, look into or take action in relation to unlawful behavior, alleged fraud, or a breach of the terms and conditions of use. We may disclose personally identifiable information in accordance with our copyright policy and in compliance with applicable laws. You are allowed to share your full name, address, country, contact information (phone and email), and business name. 

  2. Furthermore, you acknowledge that this website can contain information that is private to us and that you are not permitted to share it without our prior written consent. Even if the relevant authorities are legally obligated to share your information, it won't be done. Your information is treated as private. Your email information won't be given to a third party, sold, shared, or rented to us, and we won't spam you with emails either. We only discuss the services and goods we have agreed upon in the emails we send.

  2. We cannot guarantee that there will be no other possibility of disclosing your personal communications and other information as mentioned otherwise in this Privacy Policy due to the current regulatory environment. For instance, we might be compelled to provide information to the government, law enforcement, or other parties (without limiting or forgoing it). In some cases, members may abuse or misuse the data they gather from our website, or third parties may illegally intercept or access transmissions or private communications. Therefore, even while we use industry-standard practices to protect your privacy, we cannot and should not assume that your personal information, identifiable information, or private communications will always remain private. Our company policy prohibits us from renting or selling any information about you to a third party. However, the following outlines specific ways in which you can divulge your personal data: External service providers: Our websites work with a number of services provided by outside vendors. Their privacy policy will be applicable when you use these optional services and they need to gather data from you. Other corporate entities include: Your personal information is shared with our parent company and/or subsidiaries so they can assist you with your online needs and provide you with ancillary services that are offered globally. You will receive these details only to enhance your browsing experience and to offer our services. As long as they have access to your information, they will treat it similarly to how they treat the information of their other members. The company, one or more of its subsidiaries, or all of them, maybe bought out by or combined with another company. If the package of services you requested was not something we could provide on our own servers, we might disclose part or all of your personal information. In the case that this occurs, you will be informed (to the extent that it occurs). To ensure the enforcement of numerous laws, including those pertaining to intellectual property, fraud, and other property rights, we collaborate with a number of other organizations, including law enforcement. You agree that in the event of an investigation into fraud, intellectual property infringement, or other criminal acts that could subject us or you to legal liability, we may disclose any personal information to law enforcement and government officials. 

  2. Every time you register, you can access and modify the data you provide. We can examine your past data to see if there have been any alterations. Your personal information, like your address, postcode, nation, and phone number, are all editable. In some circumstances, such as when it would be necessary to have a copy of the information to resolve disputes, or issues, or to comply with our terms and conditions, we may keep copies of the information you ask us to delete. Another concern is that because of technical and legal limitations, including storage backups, obsolete data has never been totally erased from our system. You shouldn't anticipate us completely deleting all of your personally identifiable data from our database in order to comply with your request.

  2. Unless otherwise specified in our privacy policy, the information in this document only pertains to the way we collect and use your data. No matter where you discover them online, parties other than us may have different policies on how to use or disclose the information you give them. Regarding our use of them, third-party advertising has its own privacy policies. As we have no control over third parties' privacy rules, you should exercise caution before disclosing any personal information to anyone.

  2. We consider data to be a valuable asset, so we must take all reasonable precautions to prevent data loss and security breaches. We use a number of different security measures to protect the information from unauthorized access by people inside and outside the firm. We do not recommend that you share your banking or credit card information with other users on this website. It is advised that people conduct this offline, over the phone, or through private email. We follow accepted industry standards to protect the confidentiality of our customers' personal information throughout transit and after delivery. Online "perfect security" is not possible, but. Additionally, you agree that you are responsible for any security lapses that occur outside of our standard security practices.

  2. You should be aware that, due to the possibility of disclosure in ways not covered by this privacy statement, we are unable to guarantee the privacy of your private messages or other personal information, including your sensitive data like credit card and bank account details. Because of this, even while we pledge to preserve your privacy, we cannot make any absolute promises. As a user of this website, you understand and agree that you bear full responsibility and risk for all actions taken anywhere, including on this website, the Internet, your personal devices, and elsewhere.

  1. Disputes and jurisdiction
  2. A two-step alternative dispute resolution procedure will be used to settle all claims raised by this policy, including but not limited to claims about rights, refunds, and compensation. The first stage: is mediation. If a disagreement emerges, a neutral third party will be selected to resolve it, and each party will choose a mediator based on mutual consent. If both parties accept the single arbitrator proposed by either party, that individual will be tasked with mediating the dispute. However, the corporation has the right to make the final choice if the two suggested mediators are unable to come to an agreement. Despite the fact that the mediator's judgment is not legally enforceable, both parties will make every effort to comply with it. The arbitration process is the second stage. The arbitration award is final and enforceable by both parties if the mediation is unsuccessful. One arbitrator will be chosen by each party, and the third will be chosen by two more arbitrators who have agreed to work together. Bangladesh's capital city of Dhaka is the site of the arbitration. The language of the arbitration will be English. Both parties are required to abide by the arbitrator's ruling once it is rendered. If the disagreement cannot be resolved through an alternative dispute settlement, it would be brought before the Dhaka court.

  1. Questions and Suggestions and Complaints Officer 
  2. If you have an unresolved issue by our customer service team, or if you want to report an unresolved issue, please write to our customer service at [email protected].

  1. Notice of Amendments and Changes to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
  2. Without giving you any warning or prior notification, we retain the right to change the terms and privacy policy whenever we see fit. These terms and conditions will be regarded as accepted by you if you use this website in the future. Any modifications are OK. You are strongly encouraged to regularly examine the terms of service as a result. You can immediately stop using this website and any related services if you disagree with any modification or adjustment to the terms.